Linki |
» Dzieci to nie książeczki do kolorowania. Nie da się wypełnić ich naszymi ulubionymi kolorami. » By default, all text is left aligned and numbers, dates, and times are right aligned... » One of the most important secondary characters is Bart’s TV hero,
Krusty the Clown (voiced by Castellaneta), who is featured in a number of episodes, beginning with... » note-2004-038-SRF[1]
EU contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395
CARE... » – Pozwól mi zaciągnąć przynajmniej sto razy po stu oszczepników i łuczników i sto wozów bojowych, a odzyskam dla ciebie całą Syrię, bo zaprawdę, gdy i... » Jednakże gdy opuścił swe zakrwawione ręce – gdy od trucizny dotyku Foula jego usta poczerniały i napuchły tak, że nie mógł dłużej wytrzymać dotyku... » Morgiana nie mogła powstrzymać śmiechu:– Urok? Na ciebie? A to po co? Avallochu, gdyby nawet wszyscy mężczyźni oprócz ciebie zniknęli z powierzchni... » – Proszę mi wierzyć, poruczniku, kiedy zobaczyłem, jaki efekt wywołała ta kaseta na pani Marshall i kiedy sam jej wysłuchałem, próbowałem dowiedzieć... » Przyjdźcie! Pójdźmy do Pana! Ja na przedzie, wy – za Mną! Chodźmy do wód zbawczych, na święte pastwiska, chodźmy na ziemie Boże... » As you’ll see, there are a number of issues that make this a more complicated problem than it seems... » Some gas stations still show the credit card number on the receipt as well as a name...
Dzieci to nie książeczki do kolorowania. Nie da się wypełnić ich naszymi ulubionymi kolorami.
If the user has no open cursors, the current SQL statement accesses more than the maximum allowed remote databases. Otherwise, the user may free remote database connections by closing all cursors that access the databases.
If this occurs often, consider increasing the value of the initialization parameter OPEN_LINKS, which controls the maximum number of concurrent open
connections to remote databases per user process.
DDL operations are not allowed on a remote database
An attempt was made to use a DDL operation on a remote database. For example, “CREATE TABLE tablename@remotedbname...”.
To alter the remote database structure, you must connect to the remote database with the appropriate privileges.
remote statement has unoptimized view with remote object
The local view is unoptimized and contains references to objects at the remote database, and the statement must be executed at the remote database.
Create a similar view on the remote database and modify the violating view in the SQL statement with the new view@remote.
START WITH or CONNECT BY predicate cannot be evaluated by remote database
The statement contains a tree query on a remote database, and the tree query’s START WITH or CONNECT BY predicate contains a term that cannot be
evaluated at the remote database. Such terms include calls to user functions, calls to USERENV, and references to ROWID.
Remove the disallowed term, directly connect, or log on to the
remote database.
database link not found
The database link to be dropped is not found in the dictionary.
Correct the database link name.
Oracle7 Server Messages
2 – 199
01900–02039: SQL Parsing
all tables in the SQL statement must be at the remote database
A SQL statement referenced tables from multiple databases, and one or more of the remote databases are not Oracle7 Servers.
Remote updates can be performed only if all databases in the SQL statement are Oracle7 Servers. Update the earlier version databases in a
separate statement.
missing LINK keyword
The keyword LINK is required in this context.
Check syntax, insert keyword LINK as required, and try again.
multi–row UPDATE of LONG column is not supported
A bind variable whose length is greater than 2000 bytes is being used to update a column, and the UPDATE statement affects more than one row.
Check that each such bind variable updates only a single row.
fetching an exact number of rows is not supported by the server Cause
The server does not support UPIALL, so the fetch of an exact number of rows cannot be emulated on the user side.
Connect to a valid server or do not use an exact fetch.
missing FILE keyword
The keyword FILE is required in this context.
Check syntax, insert keyword FILE as required, and try again.
can only select from fixed tables/views
An operation other than SELECT on a fixed dynamic performance table or view was attempted. It is only possible to select from fixed tables or views.
Remove the fixed table or view name from the SELECT statement.
no ROWID for fixed tables
An attempt was made to select the ROWID from a fixed table.
Do not select ROWID from a fixed table.
2 – 200
Oracle7 Server Messages
01900–02039: SQL Parsing
clustered tables cannot be used before the cluster index is built Cause
An attempt was made to perform a DML operation on a clustered table for which no cluster index has yet been created.
Create a cluster index before referencing clustered tables in a SQL statement.
a cluster index for this cluster already exists
A cluster index already exists for the cluster.
No action required.
speed bind not permitted
Speed bind not allowed with supplied bind variables.
No action required.
illegal bundled operation combination