java, it won’t work even if you have the rmiregistry running correctly. That’s because the framework for RMI isn’t all there yet. You must first create the stubs and skeletons that provide the network connection operations and allow you to pretend that the remote object is just another local object on your machine.
What’s going on behind the scenes is complex. Any objects that you pass into or return from a remote object must implement Serializable (if you want to pass remote references instead of the entire objects, the object arguments can implement Remote), so you can imagine that the stubs and skeletons are automatically performing serialization and deserialization as they “marshal” all of the arguments across the network and return the result. Fortunately, you don’t have to know any of this, but you do have to create the stubs and skeletons. This is a simple process: you invoke the rmic tool on your compiled code, and it creates the necessary files. So the only requirement is that another step be added to your compilation process.
The rmic tool is particular about packages and classpaths, however. is in the package c15.Ptime, and even if you invoke rmic in the same directory in which PerfectTime.class is located, rmic won’t find the file, since it searches the classpath. So you must specify the location off the class path, like so:
rmic c15.PTime.PerfectTime
You don’t have to be in the directory containing PerfectTime.class when you execute this command, but the results will be placed in the current directory.
When rmic runs successfully, you’ll have two new classes in the directory: PerfectTime_Stub.class
corresponding to the stub and skeleton. Now you’re ready to get the server and client to talk to each other.
Using the remote object
The whole point of RMI is to make the use of remote objects simple. The only extra thing that you must do in your client program is to look up and fetch the remote interface from the server. From then on, it’s just regular Java programming: sending messages to objects.
Here’s the program that uses PerfectTime:
// Uses remote object PerfectTime
package c15.ptime;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.registry.*;
Chapter 15: Network Programming
public class DisplayPerfectTime {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new RMISecurityManager());
try {
PerfectTimeI t =
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
System.out.println("Perfect time = " +
} catch(Exception e) {
} ///:~
The ID string is the same as the one used to register the object with Naming, and the first part represents the URL and port number. Since you’re using a URL, you can also specify a machine on the Internet.
What comes back from Naming.lookup( ) must be cast to the remote interface, not to the class. If you use the class instead, you’ll get an exception.
You can see in the method call
t.getPerfectTime( )
that once you have a handle to the remote object, programming with it is indistinguishable from programming with a local object (with one difference: remote methods throw RemoteException).
Alternatives to RMI
RMI is just one way to create objects that can be distributed across a network. It has the advantage of being a “pure Java” solution, but if you have a lot of code written in some other language, it might not meet your needs. The two most compelling alternatives are Microsoft’s DCOM (which, according to Microsoft’s plan, will eventually be hosted on platforms other than Windows) and CORBA, which is supported in Java 1.1 and was designed from the start to be cross-platform. You can get an introduction to distributed objects in Java (albeit with a clear bias towards CORBA) in Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA by Orfali & Harkey (John Wiley & Sons, 1997). A more serious treatment of CORBA is given by Java Programming with CORBA by Andreas Vogel and Keith Duddy (John Wiley & Sons, 1997).
There’s actually a lot more to networking than can be covered in this introductory treatment. Java networking also provides fairly extensive support for URLs, including protocol handlers for different types of content that can be discovered at an Internet site.
Thinking in Java