(phrase) to choose to stop work before the age when people get (sb) on board /%get Qn "bO;d; AmE -A;n "bO;rd/  (phrase) to normally do...


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Durnik spojrzaÅ‚ na postrzÄ™pione kontury kilu o powierz­chni dwóch stóp kwadratowych, które tarÅ‚y Å›ciany, gdy rufa okrÄ™tu koÅ‚ysaÅ‚a siÄ™ leniwie na...
— ByÅ‚em — odpowiedziaÅ‚em z wolna, bo naraz jak gdyby podÅ‚oga jęła odpÅ‚ywać mi spod stóp...
zapisanego na ścieżkach płyt CD-Audio do START/STOP/WYSUŃ znajdują się jeszcze wzmacniacza karty i odsłuchanie go na gło-przyciski POPRZEDNI/NASTĘPNY...
Przyczepa była pusta, a ślady stóp prowadziły z obozowiska w różnych kierunkach, toteż po chwili zastanowienia Boone wspiął się na pagórek leżący na zachód...
Niecałe trzy godziny później olbrzymie ciało Szardika, z łbem okrytym kapturem z pozszywanych płaszczy, zawleczono linami do stóp zbocza, a następnie...
^' 94 ^- ^' 95 ^'i sposoby, im normalniej umiał się posługiwać konwen­cjonalnym językiem perfumerii, tym mniej bał się go mistrz i tym mniejszą żywił wobec...
O godzinie pierwszej dwadzieœcia piêæ lekturê przerwa³a mu potê¿na, chocia¿ ca³kiem normalna erupcja na terminatorze lo...
Normalnego dnia Bracia spędzali w bibliotece od sześciu do ośmiu godzin...
Radio, On Board Diagnostic (OBD) (m...
takie jak polecenie IP HELPER, wykorzystywane w niektórych routerach Cisco...

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doing a different
grant /"grA;nt; AmE "gr&nt/  (v) to agree to give sb what they ask tentative /"tent@tIv/  (adj) not definite or certain
for or do what they ask you to do
training /"treInIN/  (n) the process of learning the skills that you head hunter /"hed hVnt@(r)/  (n) a person or company whose job is need to do a job
to find people with the right skills for a particular position in a
transferable skills /trA;ns%fE;r@bl "skIlz; AmE tr&ns-/  (phrase) skills company and to persuade them to join this company
that can be used in different jobs or situations
hectic /"hektIk/  (adj) very busy and full of activity
unemployed /%VnIm"plOId/  (adj) without a job when you want one hugely /hju;dZli/  (adv) extremely
update skills /up%deIt "skIlz/  (phrase) to learn the most modern incredibly /In"kred@bli/  (adv) extremely
ways of doing a job
insurance /In"SU@r@ns; AmE -"SUr-/  (n) an arrangement with a vast /vA;st; AmE v&st/  (adj) extremely large
company in which you pay them regular amounts of money and
they agree to pay the costs, for example, if you die or are ill /
sick, or if you lose or damage sth
Unit 10 loan /l@Un; AmE loUn/  (n) money that an organization such as a
absolutely /%&bs@"lu;tli/  (adv) used to emphasize a negative or bank lends and sb borrows
positive word that follows
network of contacts /%netwE;k @v "kQnt&kts/  (phrase) a group of bagel /"beIg@l/  (n) a hard bread roll shaped like a ring
people that you know who can be helpful to you in your work
borrow /"bQr@U; AmE "bA;roU/  (v) to take money from a person or on-call shift /%Qn kO;l "SIft; AmE %A;n-/  (phrase) a period of time bank and agree to pay it back to them at a later time
when particular employees are available for work if necessary,
bow to /"baU tu/  (phr v) to agree to do sth because other people especially in an emergency
want you to
outrageous /aUt"reIdZ@s; AmE oUt-/  (adj) shocking and
branch out /%brA;nS "aUt; AmE %br&nS/  (phr v) to start to do an unacceptable
activity that you have not done before, especially in your work
put (sb) in touch /%pUt In "tVtS/  (phrase) to make it possible for sb or business
to communicate with sb, for example by giving them an address
business angel /"bIzn@s %eIndZ@l/  (n) someone who invests their or phone number
own money to help a new business
quote /kw@Ut; AmE kwoUt/  (n) a statement of how much money a
business model /"bIzn@s %mQd@l; AmE -%mA;d@l/  (n) a plan for the particular piece of work will cost
way a business will operate to make money
rave review /%reIv rI"vju;/  (phrase) an article in a newspaper, business plan /"bIzn@s %pl&n/  (n) a written document stating how magazine etc. that is very enthusiastic about sth
a business will get the money it needs and how it will make
really /"ri;@li/  (adv) very; used to emphasize an adjective or adverb money
reputable /re"pjut@bl/  (adj) that people consider to be honest and collapsible /k@"l&psIbl/  (adj) that can be folded flat or made into a to provide a good service
smaller shape that uses less space
resign /rI"zaIn/  (v) to officially tell sb that you are leaving your job, commuter /k@"mju;t@(r)/  (n) a person who travels into a city to an organization, etc.
work each day, usually from quite far away
retailer /"ri;teIl@(r)/  (n) a person or business that sells goods to the completely /k@m"pli;tli/  (adv) in every possible way; used for public
emphasizing the word or phrase that follows
return on investment /rI%tE;n Qn In"vestm@nt; AmE rI%tE;rn A;n-/ 
crunchy /"krVnSi/  (adj) firm and crisp and making a sound when (phrase) the amount of profit that you get from money you have
you bite or crush it
day’s leave /%deIz "li;v/  (phrase) a day when you are allowed to be reunion /ri;"ju;ni@n/  (n) a social occasion or party attended by a away from work for a holiday / vacation or for a special reason
group of people who have not seen each other for a long time
differentiate /%dIf@"renSIeIt/  (v) to show that things or people are ridiculous /rI"dIkj@l@s/  (adj) very silly or unreasonable
not the same
© Oxford University Press 2008
Business Result Upper-intermediate

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