Thus in fling, sling, ding, swing, cling, sing, wring, sting, the tingling of the termination ng, and the sharpness of the vowel i, imply the continuation of a very slender...


» Dzieci to nie książeczki do kolorowania. Nie da się wypełnić ich naszymi ulubionymi kolorami.
139rozwi�zania umowy, niezachowanie formy pisemnej, niezachowanie terminu, w kt�rym mo�e nast�pi� rozwi�zanie, jak i rozwi�zanie umowy bez zachowania wymaganego...
Niezawiadomienie przez sąd o terminie rozprawy oskarżonego, kiedy obecność jego nie jest obowiązkowa, jest uchybieniem naruszającym jego prawa do obrony (art...
terminu wierzyciel z�o�y�by towar w magazynie s�siaduj�cym z magazynem d�u�-nika, kt�ry w danych okoliczno�ciach r�wnie� sp�on��...
Wydaje si�, i� po��dana kolejno�� prac powinna wynika� z ich uporz�dkowania wed�ug norm terminologicznych, kt�re winny by� podstaw� do dalszych znormalizowanych...
Przy opisie spostrzegania wykorzystujejący poza naszą świadomą kontrolą i dającysię kilka terminów technicznych, okre-nam dokładny obraz...
O godzinie pierwszej dwadzie�cia pi�� lektur� przerwa�a mu pot�na, chocia� ca�kiem normalna erupcja na terminatorze lo...
Potworne to zadanie brodzić w kole, którego środek, używając terminów scholastycznych, jest wszędzie, obwód zaś nigdzie...
4)      porę nocną, 5)      (102) termin, miejsce, czas i częstotliwość wypłaty...
— Musiał to zrobić, Ding...
Ze wzgl�du na rodzaj podmiotu, kt�ry jest zwi�zany terminem:- terminy wi���ce organy procesowe;- terminy wi���ce strony b�d� innych uczestnik�w procesu...

Dzieci to nie książeczki do kolorowania. Nie da się wypełnić ich naszymi ulubionymi kolorami.

But in tink, wink, sink, clink, chink, think, that end in a mute consonant, there is also indicated a sudden ending.
If there be an l, as in jingle, tingle, tinkle, mingle, sprinkle, twinkle, there is implied a frequency, or iteration of small acts. And the same frequency of acts, but less subtile by reason of the clearer vowel a, is indicated in jangle, tangle, spangle, mangle, wrangle, brangle, dangle; as also in mumble, grumble, jumble. But at the same time the close u implies something obscure or obtunded; and a congeries of consonants mbl, denotes a confused kind of rolling or tumbling, as in ramble, scamble, scramble, wamble, amble; but in these there is something acute.
In nimble, the acuteness of the vowel denotes celerity. In sparkle, sp denotes dissipation, ar an acute crackling, k a sudden interruption, l a frequent iteration; and in like manner in sprinkle, unless in may imply the subtilty of the dissipated guttules. Thick and thin differ in A Grammar of the English Tongue
A Grammar of the English Tongue
that the former ends with an obtuse consonant, and the latter with an acute.
In like manner, in squeek, squeak, squeal, squall, brawl, wraul, yaul, spaul, screek, shriek, shrill, sharp, shrivel, wrinkle, crack, crash, clash, gnash, plash, crush, hush, hisse, fisse, whist, soft, jar, hurl, curl, whirl, buz, bustle, spindle, dwindle, twine, twist, and in many more, we may observe the agreement of such sort of sounds with the things signified; and this so frequently happens, that scarce any language which I know can be compared with ours. So that one monosyllable word, of which kind are almost all ours, emphatically expresses what in other languages can scarce be explained but by compounds, or decompounds, or sometimes a tedious circumlocution.
We have many words borrowed from the Latin; but the greatest part of them were communicated by the intervention of the French; as, grace, face, elegant, elegance, resemble.
Some verbs which seem borrowed from the Latin, are formed from the present tense, and some from the supines.
From the present are formed spend, expend, expendo; conduce, conduco; despise, despicio; approve, approbo; conceive, concipio.
From the supines, supplicate, supplico; demonstrate, demonstro; dispose, dispono; expatiate, expatior; suppress, supprimo; exempt, eximo.
Nothing is more apparent than that Wallis goes too far in quest of originals. Many of these which seem selected as immediate descendants from the Latin, are apparently French, as, conceive, approve, expose, exempt.
Some words purely French, not derived from the Latin, we have transferred into our language; as, garden, garter, buckler, to advance, to cry, to plead, from the French jardin, jartier, bouclier, avancer, crier, plaider; though, indeed, even of these part is of Latin original.
As to many words which we have in common with the Germans, it is doubtful whether the old Teutons borrowed them from the Latins, or the Latins from the Teutons, or both had them from some common original; as wine, vinum; wind, ventus; went, veni; way, via, wall, vallum; wallow, volvo; wool, vellus; will, volo; worm, vermis; worth, virtus; wasp, vespa; day, dies; draw, traho; tame, domo, [Greek: damao]; yoke, jugum,
[Greek: zeugos]; over, upper, super, [Greek: hyper]; am, sum, [Greek: eimi]; break, frango; fly, volo; blow, flo. I make no doubt but the Teutonick is more ancient than the Latin: and it is no less certain, that the Latin, which borrowed a great number of words not only from the Greek, especially the AEolick, but from other neighbouring languages, as the Oscan and others, which have long become obsolete, received not a few from the Teutonick. It is certain, that the English, German, and other Teutonick languages, retained some derived from the Greek, which the Latin has not; as, ax, achs, mit, ford, pfurd, daughter, tochter, mickle, mingle, moon, sear, oar, grave, graff, to A Grammar of the English Tongue
A Grammar of the English Tongue
grave, to scrape, whole, from [Greek: axine], [Greek: meta], [Greek: porthmos], [Greek: thygater], [Greek: megalos], [Greek: mignyo],
[Greek: mene], [Greek: xeros], [Greek: grapho], [Greek: holos]. Since they received these immediately from the Greeks, without the intervention of the Latin language, why may not other words be derived immediately from the same fountain, though they be likewise found among the Latins?

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